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About Founder


Late. Mr. Ghouse Khan
(1945 – 2021).
Retired from Army as Subedar Major

He spoke 9 different regional languages Including; hindi, telugu, tamil, kannada, bengali, Marathi, kashmiri, malayalam and urdu

About Our Founding Officer

Our founding officer Mr. Ghouse Khan was born on 11 Aug 1945 in Allagadda town of Kurnool District in Andhra Pradesh and served Indian Army as a soldier for 20 years and later served as an operations support officer at DSC for 30 years. He was a true patriot and always cared for fellow citizens, as a child he has heard stories of partition and India’s struggle for freedom and he always wanted to join Army to serve the country

Life Changing Event 1

Sir had witnessed a tragic incident as a teeenager, he was reportedly 14 years old when he came to know that in their next door neighbour’s house, a child almost his age with locomotor disability committed suicide by consuming poison, upon enquiry it was found that he often felt helpless and was usually reserved and didn’t make social connections, his classmates used to make fun of him too. This heartbreaking incident left a profound impact on our founding officer’s mind, following that day he spoke up and stood for anyone who was criticized or abused because of their disability

Life Changing Event 2

At the age of 15, on Dec 1, 1960 he joined the Indian Army as a trainee and upon training completion was selected as a Non-Commissioned officer at Naik Rank, he took part in the Sino-Indian War between China and India that occurred in October–November 1962, a disputed Himalayan border was the main cause of the war. He was part of a team that took care of ammunition and food supply for the Indian soldiers. The war continued for about a month and ended on November 21, after China declared a ceasefire.

During the war, many fierce battles were fought by both sides in both sectors. About 22,000 Indian troops faced much superior Chinese troops, numbering about 80,000. As per Indian reports India lost 1,383 soldiers, 1,047 wounded and 1,700 missing.

More than 1000 survivors of the war from the Indian Army were severely wounded leading to loss of vision, and various permanent physical disabilities.

This incident made our founder to rethink about the purpose of life and he decided to do his best to support the families of the soldiers on an ongoing basis. In this regard, he met with many influential people within the Indian Army who immediately supported the idea and formed a small informal committee to gather funds and provide for livelihood and work opportunities to the family members and support and care for the disabled soldiers.

The soldiers with disabilities took voluntary retirement from the Indian Army and committee supported them to learn new skills to help them empower so that they can take care of their families and their wellbeing on their own, this enabled upholding the pride of a soldier

Post Retirement Activities

Mr. Ghouse Khan served Indian Army for 20 years before retiring on Dec 30, 1981 After retirement he wanted to continue his efforts of supporting and giving back to the communities hence he joined as an operations support officer at DSC (Defense Security Corps) in Hyderabad and worked there for 30 years and retired on Dec 2002 Aadir Welfare Foundation is born from the same vision and intends to support the civilians with disabilities or helps people to prioritise their wellbeing and mental health.